Revisiting Managerial Competencies- Literature Review


Rashmi Vaishya
Sumi Jha
D. K. Srivastava


The purpose of this article is to cite a review on the concepts of managerial competencies used by managers by examining the importance and frequency of use of managerial competencies applied to various organizations from different industries. There is a lack of studies done on assessment of approach to identify managerial competency which revealed that managerial competencies, according to managers, are determined by their personal traits and skills acquired during the development process. It was found that studies recognized the difficulties inherent in preparing an all-time suitable competency framework. In particular, those associated with the variety, complexity and universality of the skills, attitude and knowledge which executives require within a changing environment. It becomes essential to study managerial competencies and competency management as a topic of research, so that appropriate training programs for management staff get a basis to develop effective professional development programs. A focused recruitment and performance management tool may be developed with the help of competency clarity. The paper serves as a collection of basic concepts of competency and provides with a structured body of the competency management phenomenon.
