Leaf Spot of Brinjal: Epidemiological Aspects
Fungal airspora over brinjal field was monitored for two consecutive cropping seasons (February toJune, 2014 and February toJune, 2015) usingTilak's Rotorod Air Sampler. Altogether, 25 fungal types were identified and assigned to 5 different subdivisionsof fungi. Dominant fungal types were Aspergilli – Penicilli, Alternaria, Cercospora, Curvularia, Cladosporium, etc.In both the cropping seasons, monthly variation of Alternaria melongenawere observed. Occurrence of leaf spotdisease of brinjal depend on weather parameters.Disease incidence and percentage contribution of Alternaria melongena were correlated with meteorological parameters like relative humidity, temperature and rainfall.