Assessment of Fish Post Harvest Losses in Tagwai Lake, Niger State, Nigeria
The research focused on assessment of Fish Post Harvest Losses (FPHL) in and around Tagwai Lake involving three types of fish losses, along the chain handling, marketing and processing from the six sites (Kadna. TungaGoro, GidanMangoroKasabo, TungaWaya, and TungaBoka). Structured questionnaires were designed to target losses at every segment of the chain. The results showed that the percentage FPHL in number and weight at the six landing, processing and marketing sites ranged from 5.63-20.15 and 5.14-22.28 respectively. One-way Analysis of Variance and correlation analysis revealed that at Kadna, the percentage loss due to handling in weight of fish at the landing point was significantly higher than the other points of processing and marketing. The high average fish spoilage by number and weight at the landing sites can be attributed bad handling by the fishermen as there was no gutting, washing and clean storage either on board or at landing. It was recommended that management blueprint for Tagwai Lake fishery must include improvement in the existing conventional handling, preservation, /processing and marketing practices in the Lake in order to make the much desired impact on fish availability.