Open Source Software (Digital Libraries): With Special Reference to Koha and Dspace


P. Venkateshwar Rao
B. Kumar


Open source software in libraries, with description of a variety of software packages and successful library projects.  There are many shared principles between Open source software and Librarianship, especially the free and equal access to information.  Because of the freedom we gain with the use of Open source software is it possible to have greater control over how libraries operate.  Anybody who worked with computers on a daily basis can contribute to open source software because things like information architecture, usability testing, documentation, and staffing are key skills required for successful projects, and these skills are inherent in the people who use computers as a primary tool in the work.

Koha is a full featured Integrated Library System (ILS) specially meant for automation of library services and activities.  DSpace is an Open Source Software package that provides the tools for management of digital assets, and is commonly used as the basis for an institutional repository.

Now the library and information sectors have become totally users oriented so the concept of ‘customer's satisfaction' also applies here and Open source software is essential in libraries to fulfill the user's needs in appropriate manner.  This paper highlights how the libraries are highly influenced by the digital resources especially the internet usage by the user community to retrieve information for various.  This also highlights various features of the Open source software for Library Automation, Open source software for Digital Library and Institutional Repositories and Open source software for content management in libraries. 
