Impact of Stress among the Clergy in the Indian Orthodox Church: Implications on Stress Management and Orthodox Psychotherapy
The aim of the study is to measure the stress among the clergy in the Indian orthodox church. For this study the researcher takes the 75 samples, 25 each from three dioceses namely thumpamon, kollam and kottayam. The study is primarily an empirical research using Quantitative methods. The following objectives were proposed for the study.1. To study the effect of stress among the clergy of the Indian Orthodox Church. 2.To study the impact of Diocese, Age income, Education, Marital status, Duration in Ministry, Number of families in parish, Employment status of spouse, Living arrangement, Number of children, Occupation of children, on the stress of the study group.3. To study the impact of stress among the married and unmarried clergy. From the analysis of the data it is found that there is an adverse effect of stress on the group. Stress is found to have a negative impact among the married Clergy is less than that of the unmarried. The study concluded with suggestions with stress management techniques and orthodox psychotherapy to the Church, Ashrams and Family of the Clergy.