An Analysis of PMJDY on Marginalized Population in Atrauli Village (Lucknow)


Jyoti Joshi
Afeefa Fatima


"Economic resources of the country should be utilized for the wellbeing of the poor. The change will commence from this point”. With this view, our visionary Prime Minister launched a national mission on financial inclusion on 15th August 2014. Financial accessibility is essential for the economic growth of a country. In a country like India unorganized sector play a pivotal role by accounting for 50 per cent of national product. A high proportion of socially and economically under privileged sections of society are engaged in this sector. Such marginalized people are characterized by low earning capacity, low level of skills, illiteracy and ignorance and therefore remain deprived from availing financial facilities which make financial inclusion futile. Here an attempt is made to analyze the impact of this initiative on marginal population of Atrauli village nearby Lucknow city. The proposed paper shows the outcome of a qualitative study conducted to identify the effect of PMJDY on marginalized workers in Atrauli village. The study was conducted with 120 marginalized workers engaged in different work. The findings show a mixed influence of PMJDY on marginalized people working in unorganized sector.
