A Short Term Naturopathic Intervention to Improve the Cognitive Functions and Quality of Sleep in University Students- A Preliminary Study


Pranav Khawale
Sriloy Mohanty
Meghnath Verma



In college students, voluntary sleep deprivation is very common as they deprive themselves from sleep during the week and compensate by sleeping over the weekends. By this habit, there is an increased feeling of sleepiness and reduction in their ability to pay attention during classes and they are not aware of the negative effects.


The Present study was designed to see the efficacy of short tepid cephalic douche for a week on the cognitive functions and quality of sleep of university students.


10 healthy volunteers of age 20.75± 2.36 were recruited for the study. A tepid water cephalic douche, pouring of water from the neck upwards to head was administered for 5 min daily in between 9:30 pm to 10.30 pm, for a week under the guidance of Naturopathy Physicians. The outcome measures were Epworth sleepiness scale (ESS), Trail making test (TMT), Insomnia severity index (ISI), Pittsburgh insomnia rating scale (PIRS) before and after the intervention.


After the 7 days intervention program, the data analysis showed significant improvement in Sleep quality (P<0.000, 70.83%), reduction in working memory (P<0.033, 24.7%). There was also a reduction in daytime Sleepiness (55.17%), insomnia severity (44.8%).


The result of the study suggests that (1) Tepid water cephalic douche may helpful in reducing the sleeplessness as well as daytime sleeping,(2) improves quality as well as quantity of sleep and (3) improves cognitive function in university students.
