Rehabilitation of a Hemimandibulectomy Patient with a Guiding Flange Prosthesis - A Clinical Case Report
Mandible, the lower jawcreates peripheral boundaries of floor of the oral cavity and most common site for intraoral tumors which often requires the resection of large portions of it.Loss of the continuityof the mandible destroys the balance and the symmetry of mandibular function, leading to altered mandibular movements and deviation of the residual fragment towards the surgical side.
In the following case an acrylic Guiding Flange Prosthesis was given to a patient who underwent a hemi section of the mandible, for the treatment for Ameloblastoma.The prosthesis helped the patient moving the mandible normally without deviation during functions like speech and mastication.
Mandible, the lower jawcreates peripheral boundaries of floor of the oral cavity and most common site for intraoral tumors which often requires the resection of large portions of it.Loss of the continuityof the mandible destroys the balance and the symmetry of mandibular function, leading to altered mandibular movements and deviation of the residual fragment towards the surgical side.
In the following case an acrylic Guiding Flange Prosthesis was given to a patient who underwent a hemi section of the mandible, for the treatment for Ameloblastoma.The prosthesis helped the patient moving the mandible normally without deviation during functions like speech and mastication.