Rajayoga and Hathayoga: A Comparative Study
We know that rājayoga and hathayoga are separated from each other. If we profoundly search, must see that they are completely related to each other. The relation between rājayoga and hathayoga is like mind and consciousness; that is to say, whole and part. Anybody may practice only hathayoga for good health or diseaseless body but it is not more important than the attainment of ultimate goal (samādhi); because, hathayoga is related to the worldly happiness only. This paper is attempted to show that how hathayoga is included in the rājayoga and without the practice of hathayoga, rājayoga is not possible without any hindrance.
We know that rājayoga and hathayoga are separated from each other. If we profoundly search, must see that they are completely related to each other. The relation between rājayoga and hathayoga is like mind and consciousness; that is to say, whole and part. Anybody may practice only hathayoga for good health or diseaseless body but it is not more important than the attainment of ultimate goal (samādhi); because, hathayoga is related to the worldly happiness only. This paper is attempted to show that how hathayoga is included in the rājayoga and without the practice of hathayoga, rājayoga is not possible without any hindrance.