Financing Higher Education: With Special Reference to Government General Degree Colleges of Tripura


Sanjoy Das
K. S. Chakraborty
N. B. Dey


Financing higher education is the key theme in the debate on higher education the world over  involving policy making, planning and prudent financial management. If there exist deficiencies in the mechanism of financing, the system of higher education development would be seriously impaired. It is in this context, the entire gamut of financing education, particularly the higher education, becomes an integral part of the overall development strategy. The study aims at examining and analyzing the sources of finances and expenditure pattern of Government General Degree colleges in Tripura. To deal with the issues, the paper relied upon appropriate primary and secondary sources in collecting data. Basic statistics of Higher Education regarding sources of income, grants, expenditure statement of the government general degree colleges are taken into consideration. Furthermore to understand the perception of respondents an opinion survey has been conducted, the result of which is analysed to draw conclusion on the financing pattern.
