Site Suitability Selection for Future Establishment of Secondary Schools in Mubi North Local Government Area of Adamawa State, Nigeria: The Geographic Information System Approach


Godwin Bernard Muskut
Alfred D. Mshelia
Samuel Hyellamada Jerry


The objective of this research work is aim at providing reliable information to land-use planners, it offers almost limitless opportunities for intelligent land-use allocation using Geographic Information System approach. Land-use planning is a decision making process, it is a geometrical process. Therefore, planners need appropriate and reliable geographical information to enable them make sound decisions relating to sharing of various competing land-uses. Thus, the end product of the GIS will be part of an Educational Decision Support System that provides the user with a map of Mubi North with focus on the schools locations and future sites for establishment of secondary schools with additional related information to assist decision-makers in either expanding current school or suggesting sites for new schools in Mubi North, and also, for student and resources location/allocation. The aim of the research was achieved through identification of private and public secondary schools in the study area, mapping the secondary schools in the study area, carrying out Buffer Analysis of two kilometer from schools location. And finally Through the use of Area Distance Analysis technique that was used to proposed suitable sites for more schools in the study area.
