Multi-Party Democracy in Contemporary Ghana- The Electoral Process in Wa Municipality
Teething challenges in Ghana's electoral process isa weakness in sustaining multi-party democracy. This study explores obstacles hindering the electoral process in a multi-party state system in Ghana with specific reference to Wa Municipality in the Upper West Region. The focus of this study was to examine obstacles militating against popular participation in the electoral process within the Wa Central Constituency. The study adapted a descriptive case study approach which involved six (6) communities, purposively selected based on the historical records of these areas on the conduct of the electoral process within the Constituency. Structured questionnaires, in-depth interviews and focus group discussions were employed to collect data. The results showed insufficient knowledge among respondents in the electoral process, apathy/low public participation during exhibition of voters register, politicians luring minors to register/influencing eligible registrants to engage in double registration, inadequate stakeholder consultation/involvement during electoral boundaries demarcation and insufficient funding among others as hampering the electoral process in Ghana. Broader consultations in delimiting boundaries to reduce violence, open continuous registration, Biometric registration, mechanisms to prevent minors from registering, public education on the electoral process and timely provision of funds for electoral activities are recommended in strengthening Ghana's electoral system. In conclusion, since the introduction of the 1992 constitution, the country has achieved political stability after going through five (5) general elections two of which involved a peaceful transfer of power from ruling government to another previously in opposition.