Online Marketing of Academic Library Products and Services
The dynamism of the higher education continues to have a catalytic effect on the Institutions of Higher Education, both public and private. The competition between and among these institutions is immense. There is an inevitable push by most institutions to reform, to improve and to set and establish higher standards in all fields of Endeavour. The demand for quality services from the public, university students, academic staff and management is driving academic institutions to change and change for the better. This same demand is being felt by academic libraries for increased, relevant, useful and sophisticated library services. Academic libraries in India particularly from the public institutions continue to remain competitive and relevant to their clientele.
The paper discusses and emphasizes the need for the adoption of marketing approach in academic libraries to augment their financial resources and exploit new information technology to provide better information support to the users. Highlights the marketing concept, 4 Ps of marketing mix and discusses various methods of marketing library products and services.