Principals' Management Strategies and Performance of Students in Secondary Schools in Mount Elgon Sub County, Kenya
The purpose of the study was to investigate Principals management strategies and impact on student performance in Mount Elgon Sub County Secondary schools. The study was guided by the Max Weber theory on division of labour. The study population comprised of 72 principals and 1,280 teachers serving 72 secondary schools within the Sub County. The sample size for the study comprised of 6 high performing schools (HPS), 6 average performing schools (APS) and 13 low performing schools (LPS), 25 principals were selected to form the sample size together with seven teachers from each school who were randomly sampled. The findings of the study showed that Principal management strategies influence performance of students in KCSE examinations. The performance of students in KCSE examinations has been below average for the past five years. The principals were found to use bureaucratic and autocracy management style in their schools and this prevented participation of teachers and stakeholders in management of schools, thus affecting negatively the performance of students' schools. The results of the study also showed that supervision and teachers appraisal was not conducted regularly in schools and this has influenced performance. The study established that inadequate number of teachers, low fees payments by students and inadequate teaching and learning facilities influenced management styles and this thereafter impacted on performance of students in KCSE. The study recommends that Principal should adopt democratic and participative management style to accommodate all stakeholders in decision making, teachers and Principal to go for in – service training courses and teachers to be appraised on the merit based on students' performance. All these strategies are deemed to improve performance of students in national examinations.