Human Resource- Driving Force of Sustainable Business Practices
Considering the complexities in the business environment, changing public perception, globally accepted practices and the most important, for long run stability; implementing sustainable business is a journey for every organization today; big or small. Human resource plays a critical role in setting up such business by implementing sustainable business practices. Our study highlights the growing recognition of Human Resource as being the most important asset for the company that will continue to be the key driver in developing sustainability component in the business practices. We reached to the conclusion that Human Resource plays an indispensible role in promoting a corporate culture that is receptive to sustainable business practices leading to economic, social and environmental sustainability. As part of our study, we gave some recommendations that will not only enable the Human Resource to embed the organizational culture within sustainable business strategies but it can also learn to shape the organizational system in such a way that its impact on employees, society and other stakeholders align with the sustainability vision of the company. So, Human Resource function is one of the key players responsible for implementing a sustainable strategy in organizations.