Energy Harvesting from Ocean Waves by SAN-BAWEC (Simple and Nonstop-Buoyant arm Wave Energy Converter)
This work gives the unique and innovative approach to extract energy from ocean wave to generate electricity, as increasing the power demand day by day in this 20th century can surely overcome by this innovative device and methodology. Many technologies and methods are available among worldwide to harvest the energy from ocean, out of all a new device SAN-BAWEC (simple And Nonstop - Buoyant Arm Wave Energy Converter) is invented, SAN-BAWEC is designed based on The Archimedes principles (say lever, Buoy). The wave energy conversion sequence is wave energy - to - mechanical energy - to - electrical energy. SAN-BAWEC doesn't include any hydraulic pumps and turbines. It just works with kinematic motion mechanism, ocean wave energy and gravitational force.