Effect of Varying Physical Parameters on the Products of the Thermochemical Liquefaction of Kraft Lignin using Ni-6458P Catalyst
Thermo chemical liquefaction of Kraft lignin using Ni-6458P catalyst produced gaseous, aqueous, char and oil products at 350OC under 40 atm hydrogen and 40atm carbon monoxide respectively. The effect of temperature , pressure, and feedstock variation on carbon based yield(%yield), carbon based conversion ( %conversion), mass of carbon and hydrogen recovered as oil (%CHR), H/C and O/C atomic ratio of oil product and the distribution of gaseous ,aqueous ,char and oil products were studied.ICI lignin was a better feedstock than Kraft lignin in terms of quality , yield and %CHR. CO proved to be a better reductant with the highest products yield. Oils having more desirable quality in terms of H/C and O/C atomic ratios were obtained at zero reaction time at 3500C.The study also showed that products can also be obtained at lower and more economical conditions than specified in a standard run including, reactions in vacuum and at zero reaction time without a catalyst or reductant at 350Oc .