Land Fragmentation and Crop Production: Evidence from the Rural Communities in GAAV District, Konshisha L.G. Area of Benue State, Nigeria
The aim of this paper was to investigate land fragmentation in relation to crop production in the rural environments of Gaav District in Konshisha L.G. Area of Benue State. Objectively, attempts were made to identify methods of land acquisition, causes of land fragmentation, and the level association between land fragmentation and crop production in the study area. The study was basically a survey and analytical design involving personal observation, focus group discussion, structured interview and the use of the questionnaire to collect data on the variables of interest. The study population included household heads and the rural farmers. However, the data were collected on ordinal scales of measurement, and were analyzed with the use of the Chi-Square statistical technique to test the level of association existing between land fragmentation and crop production in the area. The result however revealed different methods of land acquisition to include: inheritance, lease/outright purchase, and government allocations. Major causes of land fragmentation were identified to include the traditional farming methods, land tenure systems, increase in population, settlement patterns and government policies on land. Furthermore, the Chi-Square statistical test showedX2(4, N=316) = 6.384, P = .17, implying that the respondents did not differ significantly in the opinion that land fragmentation reduces crop production. Based on these findings however, the study recommended that government should develop policy frameworks that would encourage private and corporate participation in land acquisition for the development of commercial agriculture at a reduced or no cost implications. Create and ensure unconditional financial facilities that would be accessible to individuals and corporate organizations who are actively involved in commercial farming activities in the area.