Evaluation of Rhizobium and Biopesticides against Fusarium Wilt of Pigeonpea
Rhizobium isolates from root nodules of pigeonpea and biopesticides viz. margosom (Azadirachtin 0.03%) and mixed formulations of Trichodermaviride, T. harzianum, Paecilomyceslilacinus (108 spores/g) were evaluated under in vitro and field conditions for testing their effectiveness against wilt disease of pigeonpea caused by Fusariumudum. Highest inhibition (76.92%) of mycelial growth was observed in plates cultured with mixed formulation of T.viride, T. harzianum, Paecilomyceslilacinus(108 spores/g). Inoculation of pigeonpea seeds with rhizobial isolates and biopesticides showed higher nodulation, increase in plant height and dry weight (biomass) over control. Plants raised from inoculated seeds showed reduced disease incidence and severity over control.