Research Methodology: Review Article
Introduction: Research is an art of scientific investigation for new knowledge and it is an academic activity and as such it should be viewed in technical sense.
Objectives of Research: To explore, diagnose, describe and to establish causual relationship.
Types of research: Basic, applied, empirical, qualitative, quantitative and others. Significance of research: Helps in framing of policies, useful in business, innovation of unknown facts, gain knowledge, leads to development of social welfare and society.
Research process: Includes discovering and defining the research problem, literature, survey, developing a working hypothesis, research design, executing research design, analysis of data, hypothesis testing, data interpretation and reneralization, report writing.
Conclusion: Research is an immortal process, till the existence of society on earth and it is a journey of truth, discoveries and inventions. With the growth of fast moving society, there is more need for research, research methods and researcher.