Customer Satisfaction towards the Landline Service Provided by Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) Telecom


Dr. M. Prakash
M. Manickam


The study entitled "Analyze the Customers Satisfaction Level towards the landline service provided by BSNL is undertaken to analyze the customer satisfaction level. Each and every activities starts and ends with customer in this competitive business scenario. So customer satisfaction is important to every organization. The research study conducted is descriptive in nature and the sample size used for this study is 200. Both primary and secondary data are collected to meet the requirements. 

For collecting the data a structured questionnaire method is used as an instrument. The questionnaire is based on multiple choices, open ended and close ended questions. The study is mainly based on the primary data and the required primary data were collected through the structured questionnaire from the two hundred sample respondents who were selected through the simple random sampling method.  In this study Simple Percentage Analysis, Weighted Average Method, Chi-Square is used to interpret the data collected. And this study reveals that the overall satisfaction level is good and few areas of dissatisfaction are also identified and relevant suggestion are given to improve the service of BSNL.
