"Green Revolution In Marketing: Need Of The Hour In Changing Business Environment”


Parminder Kaur


Environmentalism has become a buzzword today. In India concern for the environment has considerably heightened in recent years and this is evident from the increasing enactment of environmental legislations and judicial activism. And to survive in this changing environment Business firms have also started turning ‘green' and embracing green marketing practices to conform to green pressures and environmental legislation. Smart business houses have accepted green marketing as a part of their strategy. At present green marketing is becoming more and more important to businesses because of the consumer's genuine concerns for limited resources available on the earth. By using green marketing measures to save the earth's resources, businesses are showing consumers they too share the same concerns, boosting their credibility. Green marketing is still in its infancy and a lot of research is to be done on this with a view to explore its potential fully. The objective of this paper is to introduce the term and concept of green marketing and find out the advantages corporate achieved after adoption of the green marketing .In this paper we have done a feasibility study  of green marketing for business organization in Delhi and try to analysis that how aware are the manufactures about green marketing also explains a number of problems hindering the adoption of the green marketing. In this paper we try to describe the steps must be taken by the government to promote green strategy. This paper also examines the present trends of green marketing in India and look into the future of such marketing. From the above research we can conclude that Marketing approaches should be customer plus environmental oriented for sustainable growth and development of future generation. The organization has to plan and then hold research to find out how feasible it is going to be. There is a need for shift in the pattern of the way the business houses think about their role in attaining sustainable development.
