Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence And Achievement Of The Teacher Trainees


Muthusami M.
Dr. K. Jayaraman


Teacher has an important role to play in nurturing an emotionally intelligent child .They should strive to create an environment of the trust, respect and support. They can teach their children strategies to deal with life's ups and downs .They should not object to their children displays of the anger , sadness or fear. Nor should they ignore them instead, they must accept negative emotions as a fact of life and they should use emotional movements as opportunities for teaching their students important life lesson and building a closer relationship with them this require a significant amount of commitment and patience. In present day children have lots of problem in a study like workload, Assignment, High expectation in the mark, so teachers must create a new environment for the student. This study examines the interrelationship between emotional intelligence and academic achievement .A sample reprehensive  sample of 200 teacher trainees, 75 boys and 125 girls from different teacher training institute Tiruchirappally district were selected .The findings revealed a no significant relationship between variables for total teacher trainees.
