Inter-Relation Of Energy Efficiency And Gross Domestic Product With Special Reference To India
Improving energy efficiency can be a powerful tool for achieving sustainable economic development and most important for reducing energy consumption and environmentalpollution on national as well as international level. Unfortunately, energy efficiency is difficult to conceptualize and there is no single commonly accepted definition. Because of that, measurement of achieved energy efficiency and its impact on national or internationaleconomy is very complicated.
Gross domestic product is often used to assess the financial effects of applied energy
efficiency measures at the national and international levels. The growth in energyconsumption per capita leads to a similar growth in gross domestic product, but it isdesirable to provide for the reduction of these values.
The paper analyzes some standardindicators and the analysis has been applied to a very large sample ensuring reliability forconclusion purposes. National parameters for 128 countries in the world in 2011(2007) were analyzed. In addition to that, parameters were analyzed in the last year for global regionsand India.