Motivation: A Predictor of Student's Choice of Visual Art as Subject Specialization for Future


Quadri Oluwasegun Olawale


Art has served mankind from time immemorial especially in Africa. It has been a powerful tool for influence and medium of communication right from pre-historic periods. Artists have dual functions of being the scribes and inventors in many ancient civilizations. It has serve so well that nobody seems to appreciate its uniqueness in the development of man as a social being. Due to its common occurrence in our daily life in the past, its role in the human development has been erroneously perceived as infinitesimal.
A noticeable decline in student's interest in the choice of art as a subject in schools has been on the increase since the introduction of the 6-3-3-4 curriculum due to many factors.
Due to a major deficiency in the implementation of the secondary school curriculum in relation to visual art and its operation in most secondary schools. This study undertakes motivation, a predictor of student's choice of visual art as subject specialization for future career.
It further examine conceptual meaning of art, branches of art, visual arts, classification of art, career areas in visual art, need for career choice, and identified function of art. The study searches into the factors that can enable student specialize in visual art as well as factors that can discourage students from picking art as a subject specialization. The place of teachers, students, parents, governments and school administrators is observed. While solution and recommendations for further studies was provided.
