Video Distribution with Energy Efficient Statistical QOS Provision over Wireless Networks


S. Boopathy
N. Mouna
S. Priyanka
S. Vijayarani


The resource allocation problem for general multi hop multicast network flows and derives the optimal solution that minimizes the total energy consumption while guaranteeing a statistical end-to-end delay bound on each network path. Existing approaches use negated signal-to-noise ratio as link weights on the complete network graph, finds the minimum spanning tree using those weights to maximize the sum rate, and performs optimal resource allocation on the flow corresponding to the obtained tree structure and maintains a set of dominant flows that are optimal for a potentially large percentage of channel states under a certain network topology and performs flow selection. We propose network flow based algorithm allocates resources in the I th iteration, until all resources are exhausted and the utility is maximized by minimizing the flow cost representing the negative values of 'data rate'. In contrast to maximum-utility resource allocation, the problem of minimum power subject to rate target that we consider does not admit a single-stage multi-commodity flow formulation. In the proposed NFBA, we maximize the 'potential power saving' on the flow instead of minimizing the cost, in a Ft adaptively. We analyze our proposed scheme in terms of complexity, power and cost.
