HOP Optimal Algorithm with Greedy Link Scheduler to Avoiding Link Failure for Multihop Wireless Networks


P. Sathishkumar
S. Balakrishnan
A. Vivek


A foremost challenge in the operation of wireless networks is scheduling the link of data transmission. In broadcast and multiple access channel the data are transmitted simultaneously a single node to multiple and multiple node to single node respectively. In this paper address the problem of link scheduling and reduce the no of transmission by minimizing the average long path. Due to the complication of link scheduler, introduce the multiuser greedy maximum weight algorithm for link scheduling in wireless networks. And also add the hop optimal algorithm for minimizing the average long path. In a given network graph the associated parameter, multiuser local pooling condition is derived for without losing in the transmission process. Based on this condition derived additional parameter i.e., local pooling factor for select the path analyzed by the greedy maximum weight algorithm in wireless network graph.
