Antarctic, Tropical and Equatorial Ozone Depletion and their Correlation with Solar Flux


P. K. Jana
S. Bhattacharyya


The paper presents yearly and seasonal variations of total column ozone densities at Kodaikanal (10°13' N, 77°28' E), an equatorial station, Srinagar (34°04' N, 74°49' E), a tropical station and Halley Bay (76°S, 27°W), a British Antarctic survey station from 1988 to 2005. Yearly mean ozone values decreased gradually at all these stations with different rates from 1988 to 2005. Ozone density attained maximum during July at Kodaikanal and January to March at Srinagar and Halley Bay, whereas, minimum during January and October, respectively. Oscillatory nature of ozone variation with 10.7 cm solar flux indicates comparable contribution of solar parameter and chemical processes on ozone depletion.
