Flow Shop Scheduling Problem for 10-Jobs, 8-Machines with Make Span Criterion


Ajay Kumar Agarwal
Rajan Garg


In modern manufacturing there is the trend of the development of the Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM). CIM is computerized integration of the manufacturing activities (Design, Planning, Scheduling and Control) which produces right product(s) at right time to react quickly to the global competitive market demands. The productivity of CIM is highly depending upon the scheduling of Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS). Machine idle time can be decreased by sorting the make span which results in the improvement in CIM productivity. Conventional methods of solving scheduling problems based on priority rules still result schedule, sometimes with idle times. To optimize these, this papers model the problem of a flow shop scheduling with the objective of minimizing the makes pan. The work proposed here deal with the production planning problem of a flexible manufacturing system. The objective is to minimize the make span of batch-processing machines in a flow shop. The processing times and the sizes of the jobs are known and nonidentical. The machines can process a batch as long as its capacity is not exceeded. The processing time of a batch is the longest processing time among all the jobs in that batch. The problem under study is NP-hard for makespan objective. Consequently, comparisons based on Gupta's heuristics, Palmer's heuristics are proposed in this work. Gantt chart is generated to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.
