Kinetics of Oxidative Degradation - Temp. Based "Energetic" and Subsequently Study Based On, for a Biodegradable Lubricant, by Arrhenious Equation Advancing its Applicability


Sanket Kumar Saxena


New benchmarks alongwith the time and temperature relationship as has been envisaged through the equation that it demands a certain time period for a biodegradable specie whether a fatty acid or its ester to be come in to the oxidative degradation and compare the test results obtained at different temp.and evaluate changes in chemical reactions.
Assumptions of the pseudo first order kinetics to calculate activation energies in oxidative polymerization of uninhibited 100% oleictriglycerides under thin film oxidation and obtained semiquantitative results from available oxypolymerization data at six temp. from 100°C to175°C. Several times the TTS superposition has been analysed and co-related the result with that of results found from activation energy using Arrhenious equation.The result showed was that of much accurate.Different stages of oxidative degradation were identified at different temp. and formed a kinetics.
