Performance Analysis of Artifact Reduction in Astro Images


C. Rubin
P. Sukumar
R. K. Gnanamurthy


Traditional block-based video coders such as H.261, MPEG-1, and MPEG-2 suffer from annoying blocking artifacts when they are applied in low bit-rate coding because inter block correlation is lost by block-based prediction, transformation ,and quantization. In order to overcome the blocking artifact problem, various non blockbased coding schemes are used.In Existing Artifact Reduction method, the quality of astrophysical images produced by means of the generalized least square (GLS) approach may be degraded by the presence of artificial structures, obviously not present in the sky.In this project, we analyze these artifacts and introduce a method to remove them using GLS and Feature extraction techniques. The method is based on a post-processing of GLS image that estimates and removes the artifacts subtracting them from the original image[1]. The method we present here is termed postprocessing for GLS (PGLS) and is based on an artifact estimation procedure. Once the artifacts are estimated, they are subtracted from the GLS image to produce a clean image. The PGLS algorithm is simple and robust. Its computational complexity is affordable and comparable to that of the GLS map maker itself. The Proposed method will be compared with existing approach.
