Behaviour of Fly Ash Concrete Slabs Containing Higher Levels of Fly Ash


B. S. Putte Gowda
M. U. Aswath
K. U. Muthu


The suitability of Fly ash concrete as a structural material can be accepted only when its behaviour along with embedded steel proves to be satisfactory. Earlier research works have been done on strength and durability aspects; however there are limited research studies on fly ash concrete slabs. A reinforced concrete two-way slab is an important structural element in civil engineering practice. The present investigations are conducted with a view to evaluate the behaviour of fly ash concrete slabs containing higher levels of replacement of cement by fly ash in comparison with normal concrete. Tests were conducted on two way square slabs of M40 grade concrete with 50% and 60% fly ash replacement, with simply supported and restrained end conditions. The results clearly demonstrated that the fly ash concrete need extended curing period. The slabs tested have shown enhanced load carrying capacity beyond the computed Johansen's load and all the slabs follow linear behavior up to 35% of the ultimate load with reduced stiffness after the cracking loads till ultimate failure.
