Power Flow Control in Power System Using FACT Device Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC): A Review


Priyanka Kathal
Arti Bhandakkar


In a modern day's power system have been growing due to increase of demand and loads, it's getting more and more difficult to provide stability and control. In this paper an overview to general type of FACTS controller and performance of TCSC is given. The FACTS devices play an important role to improve the performance of power system. This paper the study of TCSC with various mode of operation is investigated and applications, advantages of FACTS. TCSC controller can be designed to control the power flow, increase the transmission limit or improve the stability and also increase synchronization of power and provide the continuous variable reactance and impedance. This paper proposed the control scheme of TCSC for power flow control, benefits of FACTS controller, VAR compensation and TCSC module. TCSC consist of back to back thyristor. By changing the firing angle of this back to back thyristor it is possible to vary the reactance of the TCSC as per TCSC characteristics. In inductive region power flow decreasing and in capacitive region power flow increasing.
