An Attitudinal Study of Hospital Administrators and Physicians towards Hospital Information System


Syed Murtuza Hussain Bakshi


Information and communication technology tools are perhaps the most rapidly growing segments of the world ecosystem. Over the past two decades, there has been a remarkable increase in the use of information technology in service organizations and has fundamentally changed the way many people work and think. IT has touched a new pinnacle and now it is not confined to developed countries. Developing countries such as India have kept pace with the world in modern technology. Healthcare professionals can no longer ignore the application of information technology; many healthcare professionals do not realize how Information technology has revolutionized the way medicine is practiced and how health care information is documented, archived and retrieved at the point of care. The present study is exploratory in nature which focuses on the attitude of hospital administrators and physicians towards hospital information system. The participants included administrators, assistant administrators and physicians. The primary data is collected through questionnaire and analyzed by logical analysis. The study is largely descriptive and categorized as a non-experimental qualitative study. The respondents were using computers in both professional, personal life with extensive acceptance and use of other application packages apart from HIS. When they were questioned regarding the benefits of HIS they listed out core benefits, liked the features such as electronic reporting system, performing group and individual tasks, user friendly character and decision making.
