A Report on the Threat of <I>Leucaena leucocephala</I> Lam Dewit. On Infrastructure: A Case Study of Adeyemi College of Education, Ondo, Nigeria
Leucaena leucocephala Lam de Wit is an invasive species reported in the IUCN data base. The plant is native to Mexico but the literature on its introduction to Nigeria is not available. Probably it could have been through International Agro forestry. Leucaena Leucocephala is used as shade trees for cocoa, coffee and tea and generally acts as shelter belt, providing shade and wind protection for a variety of crops. It is used as fire wood. The plant is a good soil improver because of its high nitrogen fixing potential. Despite the functional uses of this plant, it is an invasive species. Leucaena leucocephala has been reported to be suitable as an ornamental and road side land scapping species but caution must be exercised because of its invasive nature. This paper therefore reports on the negative Impact of L. leucocephala on infrastructures. The plant reduces the aesthetic value of structures, weakens foundations, block drainages etc. The position of this paper is that these plants must be checked before they exert deleterious effects on structures. We must create awareness of the destructive tendency of L. leucocephala on structures and the need to checkmate their invasion.