A Study on Tourism: Domestic and Foreign Tourist Arrival in India
Among the various service sector industries, tourism in India is largest and fastest growing sector in the country. In developing country like India the importance of tourism is primarily seen from economic angle: earning foreign exchange, providing employment and generating income. This industry is believed as least harmful to the environment and society at large and known as smokeless industry, The present study is aimed to study the profile of foreign and domestic tourists visiting India; a comparative study among the foreign and domestic tourists to get insight in to the study; and identify the future needs and requirement of tourist who arrive in India. The study has been carried out by segmenting the tourists in to two distinct groups - Foreign Tourists and Domestic Tourists. By making use of appropriate secondary data like government reports, websites, tourism statistics, newspapers, etc. an analysis has been done. It is observed from the analysis that foreign tourists contribute much to the Indian tourism than the domestic tourists.