A Study or Predicting Teacher Effectiveness among Secondary School Teachers on the Basis of their Occupational Stress
The present paper describes the relationship between teacher effectiveness and oecupational stress among secondary school teachers. It is an established fact that the performance of teacher mainly depends upon his psychological state of mind. As occupational stress affects the physical and psychological well being of the teacher; it is definitely influences his efficiency and performance. The objectives of the study were to find the relationship between teacher effectiveness and occupational stress and predicting teacher effectiveness on the basis of occupational stress. In order to find the relationship between the two variables, the data was collected from 128 secondary school teachers at Rohtak District in Haryana through survey method by using standardized tools like the teacher effectiveness scale by Kumar and Mutha and The Occupational Stress Index by A.K. Snrivastva. The findings made it clear that there existed a negative relationship between teacher effectiveness and occupational stress. Out of 12 dimensions of occupational stress, five factors that emerged as the predictors of teacher effectiveness were intrinsic impoverishment, low status, powerlessness, under participation, responsibility for persons which are causing 34.3% of the variance in teacher effectiveness.