Entrepreneurial Education: Its Significance, Implication and Application within and Outside the Schoo1 System towards Self-Reliance


Muraina Ismail Olaniyi
Aiyfegbusi Edward Akinyemi
Lameed Soladoye Nurudeen


Entrepreneurial education has long been considered a significant education or training for economic growth and development simply because it provides many job opportunities. As a result of positive impact of entreprenearial skills and trainings, recent decades have witnessed a tremendous rise in entrepreneurial education at various tertiary institutions (Universities and colleges) around the globe. This paper discusses and addresses the significance of entrepreneurial education across different fields of life. Findings revealed that entrepreneurial education is best received in the school settings, also learning by doing is seemed the best approach or method to teach entrepreneurial education. Business school, among others, was considered the location suitable for entrepreneurial education which should be handled by entrepreneurship educators by focusing fresh trainers. The research also noted that the use of software programs would be a great assistance in broadening access and increase the scale and scope of entrepreneurial training. Conclusively, the research showed that being male or female has nothing to do with perception of the importance of entrepreneurial education within and outside the school system, while the level of a student has great impact in knowing the importance of entrepreneurial education within and outside the school system.
