Review Paper of Conventional Analysis of Cell Smear under a Microscope


Anand Jatti
V. Meghana Urs


Pathologists and cancer biologists rely on tissue and cellular analysis to study cancer expression, genetic profiles, and cellular morphology to understand the underlying basis for a disease and to grade the level of disease progression. Conventional analysis of tissue histology and sample cytology includes the steps of examination of the stained tissue or cell smear under a microscope, scoring the expression relative to the most highly expressing (densely stained) area on a predefined scale for normal, cancer, stromal regions based on the morphology of the tissue, estimating the percentage area of cancer tissue relative of normal and stroma, and multiplying the score by the percentage area of cancer region and converting to another predefined scale for statistical analyses. This paper is an overview of basic concepts of WBCs analysis and methods used for classification.
