An Efficient Numerical Technique to Simulate the Propeller Hull Interaction
The paper presents a technique were the propellers are modelled by a lifting line method that is tightly integrated with the RANS solver in SHIPFLOW. The effect of the propeller is taken into account by a force field computed by the lifting line method using the current velocity field. This results in an iterative procedure that is handled automatically by the program. The propeller is embedded in an cylindrical grid and the interaction with the surrounding grids for the hull and appendages are managed by the overlapping grid capability of solver. This results in an efficient method to predict the propeller hull interaction in terms of speed and accuracy for both conventional ships and ships equipped with energy saving devices. The computation can be performed at model scale and the results evaluated at full scale by extrapolation methods. The open water and resistance simulations required for the scaling is automated. It is also possible to carry out the simulation directly at full scale. A validation of the method is presented with comparisons of resistance, open water test and self propulsion simulations at model scale. Extrapolated results and results from computations at full scale Reynolds number are compared with full scale data.