Prospective of Innovative Applications on It/ites (domain Specific in Marine Segment): Role/development of Incubation&innovation Center in Vizag (india) City Clusters


M. P. Dubey


The introduction of new or improved processes, products or services based on new scientific/technical knowledge and/or organizational know-how, is a powerful and fundamental determinant of firm competitiveness of enterprises in fast growing hightech sectors1. Thus attracts the need for the growth of the domain specific development IT/ITES innovation. The Incubator is often the first building block for a future technology park. Both Park and Incubator are workplaces, which share some features both typically require initial subsidy and a good business environment. But they are quite different in significant respects the park is essentially a major real estate development for existing research and technology related organizations, while the incubator is for startup and early-stage ventures that still needs concept proof and require nurturing. Both are evolving to meet the challenges of commercializing of technology and supporting enterprise creation, within the framework of the technological revolution and the liberalizing global markets. With the whole world falling into a deep and long financial and economic crisis, all business sectors are faced with unprecedented difficulties and cutting-throat competition on the market. Lower cost, higher operating efficiency and being more responsive are key to survive. The implementation of IT and ITES could help to achieve these goals will also largely determine the future of IT and ITES itself. IT & ITES for shipping industry will focus its growth path on how the shipping industry should change to fight against the crisis and how IT and ITES could facilitate these changes and deliver real business performance improvements. Number of world leading marine, Power & petroleum industry are using IT and ITES as the key impediment tool for the growth in the productivity, profit and customer satisfaction. Some of the big IT and ITES providers such as IBM, SAP, Siemens AIS, and Perot Systems are already in the market for providing the solution for the need of the Industry, i.e. Fighting Against the Crisis with IT and ITES tools, M&A and the Governance of Company Groups and Cost and Quality Control. Now, we feel there is an opportunity for SMEs to invent in the specific field and the incubation center will give the platform to the SMEs to grow and conceptualize the idea into an implementation tools. Creating of a domain specific Incubation center for the Engineering Services on domain specific application on Marine, Power&Petroleum segment, where the park is getting good response for the need of incubation center specific to domain specific application as cluster specific development. As per the NASSCOM report for the engineering service there is huge opportunity for the Indian IT and ITES industry with 10-15 billion US $ global outsourcing market on Engineering service specially on the domain specific. The development of software (IT/ITES) today is a craft industry. In times it will becomes a manufacturing enterprises based on an engineering discipline in the domain expertise area. The above domain specific incubation facility on Marine, Power & Petroleum Industry, where IT professionals and domain knowledge experts will mutually resolve/ develop the solution for the Marine, Power & Petroleum domain specific Industry and also to disseminate the experience in utilizing IT and ITES applications to improve management, operating efficiency and product quality, reduce consumption and pollution, lower cost and enhance competitiveness including increasing the operation on route and more better ship building. It has also identified some of the companies who are now working in the above domain Engineering Services (Marine, Power & Petroleum) in India on above sub domain area. It is also felt that Vizag is already with good pool of manpower including the advanced port of the country including the Ship Building. There are many small and large industry are operating from the Vizag, who has setup their operations in and around Vizag including the presence of Indian Navy. The idea of setting up the incubation and innovation center is to cater to the need of export market/segment. Accordingly, the outsourcing of IT and ITES needs may also be fulfilled for the current domain expertise and pool of manpower available from this region for the Engineering Services.
