Effect of National Strategy Implementation on Competitiveness of Commercial Banks in Kenya: A Case of National Bank of Kenya
The purpose of national strategies is to clearly define and align the vision for the sector and set out define how to get there. National strategies represent a shared vision of the country's development and competitiveness. In the target status, economic growth is combined with the wellbeing of people and the environment. The main aim of the study is to investigate the effects of national strategy implementation on competitiveness where the focus will be on National Bank of Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to establish the effects of marketing strategies, product strategies, investment strategies and technological innovation strategies on the competitiveness of National Bank of Kenya. This research problem was studied through the use of a descriptive research design. The target population composed of all the staff currently employed at National Bank of Kenya in Nairobi. Stratified random sampling technique was used. A sample of 20% was selected from within each group in proportions that each group bears to the study population. The study used a survey questionnaire administered to each member of the sample population. Quantitative data collected was analyzed by the use of descriptive statistics using SPSS and presented through percentages, means, standard deviations and frequencies. The information was displayed by use of bar charts, graphs and pie charts and in prose-form. The study found that marketing strategies that concentrate on enhancing competitiveness of the Board through market potential and growth, communication platforms, target customer selection and cost-minimization criteria. The study found that national product strategy affects the competitiveness of NBK to great extent. The study found that investment strategies affect the competitiveness of National Bank of Kenya to great extent. The study further established that effects of investment strategies on the competitiveness of NBK were strategic substitutes, transaction cost, information acquisition, resources and capabilities and institutional conditions. The study found that technological innovations affect the competitiveness of National Bank of Kenya to great extent.