Study on Adoption Behavior of Farmers towards Drip Irrigation System (DIS) in Khargone Block of Khargone District (M.P.), India
Water is the most precious natural resource; it is essential for agricultural development and all organic life on the earth. Drip system is relatively a new concept of irrigation, which has developed over the last decade throughout the world. importance of drip irrigation system. So for as, in regards to its adoption is found to low due to its higher cost. In respect of this a study was conducted to analyse the adoption behaviour of drip irrigation system in Khargone district with the specific objective. Khargone Block of Khargone district was selected purposively for the present study. From selected 8 villages sample of 120 farmers were taken using proportionate sampling technique. structured and pretested interview schedule was prepared for the purpose of collecting information from respondents It was concluded that higher number of the farmers found to have partial level of knowledge regarding drip irrigation system followed by perfect and no knowledge. Higher number of the respondents had partial adoption level of drip irrigation system in study area followed by perfect and no adoption.