Women and Sports: The Long Struggle
From the ancient times men had been playing the leading role in the field of sports. At That time, in the Olympics women were not allowed even to watch the sports. There was no place for the women in sports. In Olympics women had to struggle a lot to keep themselves standing along with men. After a long struggle women had created a milestone in the women history by proving themselves equal to men in sports. Initially, when women were allowed to participate in sports, only some of events were included for them e.g.in 1900 Paris Olympics, tennis, golf and Yachting were included for women. But as time passed the women had shown that they can participate and win every sports. So in present time even sports like boxing, wrestling, had also been included for women. Still there are some problems which are being faced only by women of under development and undeveloped countries as compared to developed countries. Sometimes their social restrictions and traditions become hurdle for them. Talking of Indian women, although their entry in sports at world level was far behind of European , American and Australian women , yet their performance in commonwealth 2011 is as appreciable as above said foreigner women .Lastly women have a long road ahead to reach, if ever,true equality with men.