Effect of Mat Pilates Training on Kinanthropometric Variables of School Level Male Handball Players
The study was designed to investigate the "Effect of mat pilates training on kinanthropometric variables of school level male handball players". To achieve this purpose 30 school level male handball players were randomly selected from Coimbatore district as subjects. They were divided into two groups. The group I was considered as control group and group II was considered as experimental group. The investigator did not made any attempt to equate the group. The control group was not given any exercise and the experimental group was given mat pilates training for five days per week. The experimental group was given training for the period of 8 weeks of matpilates training. The following criterion variables were chosen namely lateral trunk flexion, thoracolumbar spine flexion and thoracolumbar spine extension. All the dependent variables were assessed before and after the training period of 8 weeks. The collected data on kinanthropometric variables due to effect of mat pilates training was analyzed by computing mean and standard deviation. In order to find out the significant improvement if any,'t' test was applied. 0.05 level of confidence was fixed to test the level of significance. The study revealed that the kinanthropometric variables were significantly improved due to the influence of mat pilates training.