"A Study of the Management of Muslim Minority Govt. Aided Schools"
This research paper is based on the study conducted by the investigator on the Management of Muslim minority govt. aided schools in Delhi. It includes all the eight Muslim minority govt. aided schools in Delhi as population along with sample included eight managers, eight principals as well as forty teachers for an intensive investigation into the real problems that exist and affect the system in their ways in the current scenario. It also attempts to examine the role of the management in bringing innovations in content and context, pedagogic practices and system of instructions. Latest research reviews provided this well justified task of contribution by management in determining the direction of functioning & performance of such schools. Interview, questionnaires and participant observation have been used to understand the-phenomena qualitatively and data collected has analysed to interpret conclusions. Each school has their own managing committee as a governing body holds certain powers and autonomy including recruitment, finances as well as other institutional affairs. Majority of schools admit that these bodies over-exercise their powers which are further supported by information records of various court cases, conflicting affairs due to injustice. Value deterioration among staff and truancy among students is found highest as well as they are on the least efforts for community service in comparison to others i.e. Sikh & Christian minorities living in Delhi. Most of the schools are deficient in basic amenities and infrastructure along with shortage of staff and principals. More than one-third of them running without principals since more than three years. These schools are competing in sports and Urdu expertise activities (kawwaii, gazals, naat, bait-bazi, etc.) all over Delhi. These findings can be used for further researches and planning for achieving the desired objectives.