A Study of the Consumer Behavior Concerning Internet Brodband Amenity in North Gujarat Specific to Mehsana
The Internet is the network of networks around the world. It is made up of thousands of smaller, national, regional, governmental, academic and commercial networks. It is a global network. Information can be communicated from one city (or country) to another through Internet. You can access information all over the work. More than two billion people around the world use the Internet daily for different purposes. For example, to communicate with other people around the world, access information and latest news around the world etc. The computers are the main components through which information can be electronically sent and received from one location to another. For this purpose, a special device called modem is also used with computer and then computer is attached with the telephone line. The modem sends and receives the information over telephone lines. You must have an Internet connection of any local ISP (Internet Service Provider) to share the information on Internet. The telephone lines, fiber-optic cables, satellite communications are the main media of communications that are used to connect to the Internet. Today Internet is a global web of nearly one million computer networks. Internet host computers are connected to the Internet round the clockThis study mainly focuses in the consumer behavior and their perception on the internet broadband service provider. It makes the analysis of the antecedents of customer satisfaction and loyalty. Internet also made an impact in almost every field. There are a number of Internet Service Providers providing Internet services throughout the country, however the customer are chosen based one of the quality of service, high-speed and the cost effectiveness and connectivity service. The various services and products on offer by these various internet service providers in India are quite accommodating and flexible and also make sure that customer satisfaction is achieved.