Administratiive Leadership Styles of Male and Felmale University Administrators: A Difference without Signifiicant Difference
The study determined the distribution of leadership styles of male and female senior administrators of public Universities in Nigeria. The study also compared leadership styles of the senior administrators based on their gender. One hundred and fortyeight (148) senior administrators were involved in the study. A 60-item questionnaire, Styles of Leadership Survey (SLS) with reliability index of 0.85 was used for data collection. One hundred and twenty-five (125) of the 148 copies of questionnaire were duly completed and used for data analysis. It was found that 100 (80.0%) of the senior administrators were males while only 25 (20.0%) were females. There was no significant difference in distribution of leadership styles of male and female senior administrators of the public universities in Nigeria. It was recommended that more female administrators should be given the opportunity to participate in administration of universities in Nigeria.