Re-Designing Street Trading in a Mega-city: An Innovative Approach
This article has attempted a redesigning of street trading in a mega-city using an Innovative Approach. To many people street trading which can classified as an informal sector activity has always constituted a menace to the government, environmentalist and the public. However taking a retrospect street trading has been discovered to belong to the informal sector of the economy and a contributor to a nation's economic growth and GDP. It is also a source of employment in many urban centres especially for migrants from the rural areas who have no employable skills to gain employment in urban centres. The activities of street trading cut across sexes as both male and female are involved with children not been left out making most of the entrepreneurs. Street trading has always been a problem to the generality of the people as some get knocked down by traffic. Some get kidnapped, raped and also they constitute a nuisance to the environment etc. It is as a result of the problems created by street trading that inspired this article to take a new approach at redesigning street trading using a synthesized model of Tap-Down. Bottom-Up approach that involved all stake holders in street trading, thereby giving them a voice in their affairs.