Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Regarding Breast Feeding among Married Women of Private Universities of Lahore, Pakistan
Breastfeeding is that activity which is considers as basic human need and activity. It is very important for mother and infant health. Exclusive breastfeeding is defined as mother providing breast milk to her baby with no formula diet. Breast milk is containing all essential nutrients which make the immunity system of babies strong.
Objective: The aim of my study was to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice regarding breastfeeding among married women of Private Universities of Lahore.
Material and methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted in university of Lahore and superior university of Lahore. Sample size is 307. Child bearing age "25 years to 45 years” of mothers have interviewed with the help of adopted questionnaire
Results: Result of this survey that 60% have women have a great knowledge regarding breast feeding benefits, 70% have a good attitude regarding breast feeding and 34% women in practice. By this survey we say that women of Universities have a great knowledge and attitude, their practice is limited it depend on the facilities available in Universities. There was significant association between qualification and knowledge of married women regarding breast-feeding p=0.05
Conclusion It was concluded from the study that knowledge of breastfeeding among women was high.108 mothers have high knowledge and 127 have low knowledge. So, it was also concluded that overall knowledge of mothers was good. Attitude and practices of mothers was also positive. It was also found that there is significant association between knowledge and qualification.